Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Eeram & UnnaiPolOruvan

Last week, I saw Unnai Pol Oruvan @ Mayajaal. This is first time I was in Mayajaal and enjoyed the show. The movie which is a remake of 'A Wednesday' was a treat to watch. It runs for 2 hours. Starring veterans like KamalHaasan, MohalLal and Lakshmi, along with Ganesh venkatram, Anuja Iyer, Bharath reddy, it deals with common man's angst against terror attacks and the kind of action being taken by government to tackle the same. There are many pluses for the movie. Acting, casting, background score, logical storyline[except at few places], screenplay and on. The only minus I found was frequent use of English dialogues which ofcourse common man cant understand [When the movie is said to be common man's angst against terror, use of much english words doesnt fit the bill]. Also, happened to see Eeram last saturday. Again this movie is different from normal minimum guarantee movies[having 5 songs, 4 fights, some comedy, sentiment and lot of heroism]. Visuals of this movie is a great plus. The whole movie has atleast little bit of water[in any of the form with rain especially being one of the important one] in almost all the scenes. As far as the acting is concerned, no seasoned veterans are there but their acting is excellent and mindblowing. Eventhough it is thriller genre, we are not feeling it as visuals keep you chilled throughout. Both these movies give some hope similar to Subramaniyapuram and other low budgets, but movies with good storyline.