Thursday, May 14, 2009


Hope that everyone out voted. I voted yesterday for the first time ever eventhough I had the right to vote for the past 7 years, but because of the fact that I didnt had a voter ID till now. Yesterday also I didnt had the voter ID. I had applied for Voter ID during this march and till tuesday no official had come for verification to my residence[Of course, we cant expect them to come at the last moment]. I was having the acknowledgement form which I got after submitting the voter information form during march. I had taken it to the booth [despite the fact that my parents were told by some officers that the forms submitted during march and thereafter were blocked at collector office] and asked the officials to check if my name appear in the list which they have. To my surprise, it appeared in the voter list and I recorded my first vote. Eventhough the person is appearing the voter list, just because of the fact that they had not been visited for verification will give an image to citizens that there name will not be probably in the list. Now my concern, is that how many of such votes will become kalla votes?

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